









1. 针灸推拿:结合针灸和推拿手法,针对不同病症进行调理,具有显著的疗效。

2. 香薰推拿:在推拿过程中加入香薰精油,通过香气的作用,放松身心,缓解疲劳。

3. 足疗:通过对足部穴位的按摩,调节全身气血,达到养生保健的目的。

4. 热石按摩:利用热石的热量,深入肌肉,缓解肌肉紧张,改善血液循环。

































1. 入场费


2. 桑拿房





3. 汗蒸房





4. 休息室


5. 洗浴用品


6. 餐饮




1. 会员卡优惠:办理会员卡,可享受9折优惠。

2. 团体优惠:10人以上团体消费,可享受8折优惠。

3. 会员生日优惠:会员生日当天,可免费享受桑拿、汗蒸服务。

4. 节假日优惠:法定节假日,可享受7折优惠。












1. 专业的桑拿体验

2. 个性化按摩

3. 美容护肤

4. 休闲娱乐



1. 独特的园林景观

2. 宽敞舒适的休息区

3. 精致的装修风格



1. 便捷的交通

2. 丰富的餐饮选择

3. 购物休闲







1. 促进血液循环:桑拿能使血管扩张,促进血液循环,有利于降低血压。

2. 排毒养颜:桑拿可以加速新陈代谢,排出体内毒素,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

3. 减肥塑形:桑拿时,人体大量出汗,有助于消耗脂肪,达到减肥塑形的效果。

4. 改善睡眠:桑拿有助于缓解疲劳,提高睡眠质量。


1. 资质审查:选择桑拿场所时,首先要查看其营业执照、卫生许可证等相关资质,确保场所合法经营。

2. 环境卫生:场所的卫生状况直接关系到您的健康。选择桑拿场所时,要注意观察其环境卫生,如更衣室、休息区、桑拿房等是否干净整洁。

3. 设备安全:检查桑拿场所的设备是否齐全、安全,如桑拿房、淋浴间、毛巾等。

4. 服务质量:了解桑拿场所的服务质量,如员工是否专业、热情,是否提供个性化服务。

5. 用户评价:参考其他消费者的评价,了解桑拿场所的口碑。


1. 桑拿前:喝一杯温水,补充水分;如有高血压、心脏病等疾病,请咨询医生意见。

2. 桑拿时:保持呼吸均匀,避免长时间闭气;适时补充水分,以防脱水。

3. 桑拿后:适当休息,避免剧烈运动;喝一杯温水,补充水分。

4. 注意防晒:桑拿时,皮肤暴露在高温环境中,容易晒伤,请做好防晒措施。

5. 适量桑拿:每周进行2-3次桑拿,每次30-60分钟,避免过度桑拿。


1. 上海国际温泉度假村:位于浦东新区,设有多个桑拿房,环境优雅,设备齐全。

2. 上海滩国际俱乐部:位于黄浦区,拥有先进的桑拿设备,服务质量一流。

3. 上海五角场万达广场桑拿中心:位于杨浦区,环境舒适,价格合理。

4. 上海瑞金宾馆桑拿中心:位于徐汇区,历史悠久,设备先进。






1. 干蒸房:干蒸房采用高温干燥的空气,使皮肤毛孔扩张,促进血液循环,有助于排除体内毒素。同时,干蒸还有助于改善皮肤状态,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。

2. 湿蒸房:湿蒸房通过高温蒸汽,使人体毛孔充分扩张,加速新陈代谢,有助于缓解疲劳、提高免疫力。此外,湿蒸还有助于缓解肌肉疼痛、改善关节僵硬等症状。

3. 芬兰桑拿:芬兰桑拿采用低湿度、高温度的蒸汽,使人体毛孔扩张,促进血液循环。芬兰桑拿具有独特的养生功效,有助于缓解压力、改善睡眠质量。

4. 韩式桑拿:韩式桑拿采用天然草药和矿物质,通过高温蒸汽作用于人体,具有独特的养生保健作用。韩式桑拿有助于调节内分泌、增强免疫力、改善皮肤状态。


1. 专业设备:上海中心大酒店的桑拿设施采用国际知名品牌设备,确保桑拿效果和安全性。

2. 优质服务:酒店桑拿服务人员均经过专业培训,为顾客提供一对一的贴心服务,确保顾客在享受桑拿的过程中感受到舒适与安心。

3. 舒适环境:酒店桑拿区域环境优雅,设有休息区、茶水区等,让顾客在养生休闲的同时,也能享受到舒适的氛围。

4. 多样化选择:酒店桑拿设施种类丰富,满足不同顾客的需求,无论是养生保健还是休闲娱乐,都能在这里找到适合自己的项目。


1. 工作压力大、身心疲惫的人群:桑拿有助于缓解疲劳、改善睡眠质量,提高工作效率。

2. 亚健康状态的人群:桑拿有助于调节内分泌、增强免疫力,改善亚健康状态。

3. 需要改善皮肤状态的人群:桑拿有助于排除体内毒素,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。

4. 需要舒缓肌肉疼痛、改善关节僵硬的人群:桑拿有助于缓解肌肉疼痛、改善关节僵硬,提高生活质量。


Chapter 933 Chaotic Sea Rules

"Let’s go" Su Li witnessed the real way of this chaotic tide and was ready to take the black house away. Although there are many chaos in this chaotic tide, there are still a lot of chaos scattered in the chaotic sea to hunt.
Of course, Su Li is going to go straight to the chaotic sea this time to see what the chaotic sea is.
It has always been said that only when Senluo is complete can he leave the chaotic sea. Does Senluo have to be complete to leave?
Then he took the black house and kept going
A large number of chaos beast appeared in their party, but with the appearance of Su Li and Heilou Luo, the news quickly dispersed
Two people also don’t know how many chaos killed now contaminated with chaos breath far away these ordinary chaos beast.
Soon they encountered a chaos.
This time, Su Li launched the Immortal Elephant at a very long distance, trying to see how powerful the Immortal Elephant is after he was promoted to Senjing.
His body and soul merged into this immortal image and exploded together with the immortal power. He did not enter the ultra-dimensional state, and attacked purely by the immortal image exhibition.
A huge shadow with three heads and six arms appeared, followed by a blur in the middle head, and there was energy fluctuation inside, followed by a blur in two arms.
Boom! The fuzzy arms actually hit the chaos.
The harsh sound played a dark role, and Luo’s eyes showed a trace of surprise. Looking at the lux chaos, it was directly ringing off the hook.
The terrorist energy burst out by this immortal elephant is powerful for chaos.
A blow shattered the chaos, and Su Li felt the power of the immortal image, and directly swallowed up the chaotic heart that exploded and injected it into the immortal image, making the energy inside surge and churn.
A small part of the virtual shadows of the three heads and six arms appear blurred, which means that the middle head and the middle arms have gradually transformed into real signs
Black house Luo gawked at him. It was the first time he saw the elephant of Sullivan.
Look at the image of Senluo, but it has just taken shape. Most of the areas are virtual shadows, even the small area in the center is fuzzy and not materialized.
This is a sign of the emergence of the forest elephant. It’s a budding forest elephant. How can it have such a terrible power?
Is Suli just beginning to become a forest land now? Then what was the state before him?
The more horrible Max Loehr thinks, is Su Li still human?
Su Li slowly accepted the immortal elephant and revealed a smile on his face.
Don’t waste his fusion of so many chaotic hearts, and finally give birth to this immortal elephant successfully. It is really worthy of his expectation that he can crush the chaos with absolute strength even if he doesn’t enter the state of grains for a few seconds.
If this strength is combined with the basic grain state, what kind of combat power will it play?
Even if it is said that the true God arrival can’t make him afraid.
"Brother Black, let’s go to the end of this chaotic sea." Su Li tried out this immortal elephant, and his confidence doubled. He smiled at the black house.
Black-and-white Luo nodded mechanically and was frightened by Su Li. Now he has an idea in his heart that he must hold Su Li’s thigh tightly, which will be of great benefit in the future.
From time to time, when they continue on their way, they can find that the chaotic Su Li is still moving every other time, and the chaotic heart is still evenly distributed by one person.
Black House Luo worships Su Li more and more. Now Su Li can dump him to enjoy these chaotic hearts, but he doesn’t still follow the previous agreement and take advantage of a chaotic heart.
The black house Luo Xiansen rose more and more slowly, while Su Li was just the opposite. He just realized that the integration of Luo Xiancheng and Luo Xiancheng absorbed the chaotic heart. The effect was amazing. If we say that just after he achieved one percent perfection and won ten chaotic hearts, his Luo rose five times less and reached five percent progress.
This is becoming more and more obvious in his immortal image. Although the immortal image is still in a virtual shadow state in most areas, the head and two arms in the original fuzzy state are gradually becoming clear and materialized, especially the head and face are gradually becoming clear and vaguely similar to Su Li’s face, which is much more dignified than Su Li’s face and full of a sacred and noble expression.
This face and eyes are closed, and it seems that it is still in some kind of sleeping state.
So constantly to good outside after two people stop to have a rest.
Black House Luo rested for a while and said, "Su Xiong has no concept of time here. I don’t know how long we have been here."
Su Li said to him, and he also missed his friends. He didn’t know how long he had been here. He thought that a trip back and forth in the chaotic sea was equal to 20 days. Now he has hunted so many chaos here for ten or even twenty days. He thought, "It’s estimated that there will be one or two years."

Soul wisdom chi mouth is a crisp drink "amazing transformation is strong and false, but you met the true female sword true female name seeking truth and breaking the false hiding for me …"

A drop of blood on the tip of the tongue sprayed the true female sword.
The true female sword seems to be suddenly refreshed with a tinge of blood in the green light, and it is brushed to Luo Peng again as if it were washed away by the flow wave.
This time the situation is quite different.
The flow wave changes when it brushes Luo Peng’s body.
Sun Hao drank a "be careful"
By the wall, Luo Peng has stood up and said, "You’ve come here so hard that you have to force me to show up. Isn’t it bad to harvest a baby-raising pill every time you enter a room?"
Speak with filar silk blood red light has been brushed from him.
And sitting Luo Peng has completely changed his image.
Now Luo Peng has a big body with black hair, purple eyes, six arms and two horns.
It is a typical feature of ancient demons.
And Sun Hao clearly felt that Luo Peng, the ancient demon in front of him, was taller and stronger than the one he met in the Fengyun, and the momentum was even heavier and even more difficult to deal with.
Li Min a fly away from Luo Peng mouth cold asked "who are you? What have you done with Tucki? "
"Luo Peng is me, I am Luo Peng," the ancient demon said casually. "Of course, that’s my terran identity. Now the ancient demon Luo Er has seen all the Taoist friends, hahaha, and all the Taoist friends have tried their best to force me out. Do you know if they have any advice?"
Zhao Zhu’s demon drank "naturally, it is necessary to get rid of demons and defend Taoism."
Jin Guangsheng has been gaining momentum for a long time, and he did not hesitate to grasp the ancient demon Luo Er.
Compared with the fear of the ancient demons, Zhao Zhumo is more angry at being blinded by the ancient demons. It is really a big joke that he should help the ancient demons in front of the Zhao Zhumo Zhumo number.
Casually, Luo Er reached out and grabbed a thick palm with one hand and directly caught Zhao Zhu’s magic hand.
With a pinch of handprint was crushed.
Rank then qi qi awe-inspiring this ancient demon is very powerful.
Shook his head and said, "Big Brother, don’t worry about it. I have a few questions for you to ask. I promise I will let you * * * * * * * hahahaha …"
Chapter nine hundred and fifty-three World War II
In laughter, Luo Peng turned to Sun Hao’s face and asked with a hint of incomprehension, "Aquilaria, we have some incense feelings when we go out to the South China together. I’m not white. Do you want to be right with me everywhere?"
"Evil spirits pervert the Taoist priests and punish them," Sun Hao said calmly. "Is it any wonder that Terrans and ancient demons are at odds with you?"
"But I don’t understand how you know my identity," said Cournot II. "I can say for sure that I have never been exposed in the southern continent. Are you?"
"I said it was intuition. Do you believe it?" Sun Hao smiled indifferently, "I have a hunch that you have to start work on Xiangwu real people. It’s a pity that I was caught by others at that time, otherwise you would have been in the sky."
Zhao Zhu’s face is still, but he thinks, "Isn’t that the time to plot against Sun Hao?" Maybe it’s my intention to help Mozai a lot? “
"Intuition?" Gu Moluo looked suspicious and then said, "That doesn’t really drive me crazy. It is estimated that there are not many monks here."
Sun Haoshen said, "It’s a pity that you haven’t cited it since then, and I haven’t been able to find an opportunity to force you to appear in the sky, but the real Xiangwu was finally killed by you. If Yong Fei Dao didn’t point the target at you and wake me up, I would have been cheated by you."
Cournot sighed and said, "I wanted to find some monks JingXie in the cloister, but I didn’t want to leave you here. Most of you can retire from the adult elite in the future, but who knows that Sun Haosun’s agarwood forced me to show up and maybe I could leave you here …"
"Where there are so many nonsense about a hammer?" Nine ropes in the hands of Ghost Sanjiu don’t know when they have quietly flown out and drilled into Luo Peng’s body along the ground. At this time, Ghost Sanjiu only shouted, "Don’t blame me for the shame of the ancient demon picking up grandpa’s words … Oh, I’m Xiao Jiu …"
Sitting cross-legged in the corner, the ancient demon grabbed the ghost with one hand, and all the 399 ropes had fallen into his hands. He pulled the nine ropes together and split.
Well, I told the Medieval Magic Luoer to put nine snakeheads in his hand into his mouth and hit it. Hit it, and his mouth said, "It tastes not bad."
A flash of fear flashed through my eyes.
The strange poisonous body of Xuan Ming snake with nine heads can resist thousands of forces and keep on, but now it is easily broken by the ancient demon and eaten raw, which is very evil.
The ancient magic Luo Peng stood up with his feet, and his tall body was more than four feet high. One of his six arms stretched out and rushed out to rank the elixirs. "Come on, let me learn the mainland ranking elixirs. Hahahaha has long wanted to have a good fight. Which one of you will come first?"
Zhao Zhumo and Ming Sanjiu successively made moves to Gu Moluo Er, but they didn’t get good results, especially Ming Sanjiu suffered a little loss.
Cournot’s second challenge qualifying then suddenly a slight static and no friar stepped forward.
Sun Hao’s hand flashed pale yellow, and Wan Li clouds appeared in his hand. He said simply, "The ancient demons are fierce, and friends are not limited to the siege of everyone."
The ancient magic Luo Pengfei’s fierce Sun Hao is still fresh in his memory, and it is not a good idea to hit the ancient magic Luo Er one-on-one
Zhao Zhu Mo Shen said, "If you have a good fight, we will fight him."
It’s good to roar loud. "Before the body is refined, the technique is centered and remote, and then the array is fought …"
The monks moved quickly and were very skilled in blinking.
In the war, many monks cast a glance with great regret and threw themselves on the wall. Xiangwu really thought that it was he who meticulously practiced the methods of war, but now the war still makes him fall on the spot.